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This Day Is Considered Perfect For The Pregnancy Of Women, Plan On This Day Only

 For a married couple, what could be a happier day than being a parent? Every person wants that after marriage, children's cries resonate in the courtyard of their house. For this, husband and wife also pray and worship God.

Right time to get pregnant:

According to the scriptures, the eighth night i.e. the eighth night from the season is good for conception, due to which good and worthy children are obtained. Ashtami, Dashami and 12th Tithi are auspicious.

According to astrology, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are the most auspicious days for pregnancy. By conceiving on this day, the luck of the child becomes bright.

Tuesday is not considered auspicious for pregnancy because according to the scriptures, Tuesday is a cruel house on this day.

Saturday is also considered a bad day for conception, on this day lord Shani, the coming child may have a pessimistic or physical defect.

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